The Product team at Griffin

New payments admissions and submissions endpoints now live

AUTHOR: The Product team at Griffin

What’s changed?

We recently released our new Payments API data model and webhook payment events. These changes were made to improve compatibility with Faster Payments and to future proof it for new schemes on our roadmap.

Following on from our recent release, we have added new endpoints: List bank account submissions and List bank account admissions. These endpoints can be used to get the processing status of all admissions (inbound payments) associated with a bank account and all submissions (outbound payments) associated with a bank account. They also provide scheme-specific data.

Additionally, we have added: List payment submissions and List payment admissions. These endpoints can be used to track the status and scheme-specific data of a specific payment.

We have also renamed our submissions and admissions payment webhook event types to keep consistent with the rest of our API.

How will this affect existing integrations?

Breaking changes

Our webhook event types have changed from:

  • payment-submission-created to submission-created

  • payment-submission-updated to submission-updated

  • payment-admission-created to admission-created

  • payment-admission-updated to admission-updated

Anywhere you use the old webhook event types, these will need to be updated to our new webhook event types which are now live. The response payload will remain the same.

New additions

We have added four new endpoints:

To learn more about our Payments API, check our API reference.

Why have we done it?

This update provides more flexibility in getting the status of a payment and makes it possible to query all admissions and submissions associated with a given bank account.

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